Our Services

MALL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our EIN is 93-3567005. We rely on your financial support to provide mobility equipment to our community. Your donations help us repair donated mobility aids, replace power wheelchair batteries, and cover storage fees and other expenses.
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Our Team

Susan Seizer, Ph.D.
Co-PresidentSusan is a recently retired Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University. She got her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Her research and teaching areas of expertise are social stigma, live performance, and humor in use. She has conducted fieldwork in India and the U.S.

Karin Willison, M.A.
Co-PresidentKarin is the Editor-in-Chief of The Ability Toolbox, a support community for people with disabilities. She received her BA in English from Stanford University and MA in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles.

Lesley Davis, M.A.
SecretaryLesley is the Assistant Dean for International Programs and the Chair of the City of Bloomington’s Council for Community Accessibility. She is the founder of Everybody In! International, a website dedicated to international travel and accessibility.

Casey Guarino
TreasurerCasey is a volunteer at Monroe County Public Library with the VITAL and Seed Library programs. She received her B.S. in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood Education from Indiana State University.
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